Enjoy the next episode of our travel life (click the picture below to watch the video):
Riding in Copper Canyon. |
Wolfi found vegan cookies and they are
really delicious (of course full of sugar and fats)! |
Curvy and steep mountain road. |
Simple transportation – at least one
gets plenty of fresh air which might be needed to survive those curvy
and bumpy mountain roads.
Water levels are going down. |
Batopilas in the morning. |
Lyra was freaked out when we walked across this swinging bridge. |
Gorgeous and good-smelling flowers. |
The village plaza opposite of our
hotel. |
Beautiful inner yard (solo bikes can be
parked here as well). |
Skippy had an eye for this light game
of the water fountain.
Amazing nature – it appears that
roots grow from the stone. |
A typical land slide which was blocking
the way. Luckily it was possible to go around easily. |
Stunning landscape along Batopilas
River (once more difficult to focus on the road).
The “nightmare” bridge |
Height profile of the 55km one way
road from Batopilas. |
Our track from Creel to Batopilas. The
road to Batopilas was all paved on the first 40km from Chihuahua25 to
the bottom of the canyon. The street was mostly in good condition
with one bad segments after the first 20km and basically rock fall
and slides all along the way. Then there came a 3km stretch of lousy
gravel including the two suspicious bridges. For the remaining 23km
the street was a mixture of fast gravel and asphalt with the
exception of those parts where land slides blocked the road. The
other steep descent/climb with its sharp switchbacks was also nicely
paved. |
Wolfi getting all artistic.
Awesome Video!!!!! Thanks!